Sunday, October 16, 2011

Democracy? Part Two

But this is what I believe: These poor individuals believe that they are doing the country a good deed by fighting this war. But what is this war about. No matter what anyone says, it's all for not. It's either oil or some other bullshit government agenda that we are clearly not going to be in on. It has nothing to do with terrorism. I even believe that September 11, 2001 was an inside job. That is another method of controlling the population is it not. Whether you are informed on Illuminati/New World Order, I am not sure. but this is their typical style. The best excuse I've heard yet on why there are no such things as secret societies is that "The Bavarian government in the 1300's (which is when the Illuminati supposedly was laid to rest) banned all secret societies from existence." How stupid a response is this? How can you ban a secret society, Key word: SECRET. What a ridiculous remark. It is real. I am sorry. I wish it wasn't. In one form or another, whether it be by the name Illuminati, New World Order, or another title. I do not even buy the vast majority of my foods, especially for my little girl, from a grocery store. I know people who have chickens and cows and everything. If I can get it fresh from them, minus all the chemicals, I am damn well going to. Like i said in READ DA SIGNZ: "Dioxin in our beef, fluoride in our water... Might as well brand our asses and lead us to slaughter!!!" It's true. Fluoride is not good for you. There is no need to have it in our water supply. It's a government plot. It is ridiculous to believe otherwise in my mind. Anyways, to cut this short finally, what I am trying to say is that democracy is not real. It does not exist in the way that we practice it. We are forced to vote for whoever is placed in front of us. That is not democracy.

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