Sunday, October 16, 2011

Democracy? Part One

In response to a quote on by Richard Fry :

Richard wrote: "Is it really cognitive to believe we're some meager creature on this planet called Earth who just follow directions because we're told by someone else who is supposedly in a position of power that this something is 'inaccurate'?"

to which I responded:

The reason I enjoyed that earlier quote is because I am really starting to learn more in the way of politics. I very strongly disagree with the entire concept of what most people believe is actually "Democracy." Sure you get the pride of saying "I got to choose who represents us," but we are merely picking from a list of candidates in which we are given. We aren't really choosing who we want to represent our country. It's here's yer pics... go ahead and choose. It's not really a democracy at all, basically. And one thing I absolutely despise, is being a white man and not being able to comment on how badly Obama is running the US without being considered a racist or prejudice in some way. Because honestly, that couldn't be farther from the truth. I basically believe that Obama has been placed as the president of the US to continue carrying on the agenda of Bush and the Global Elites. You can claim ANYTHING at all before you get elected. But once that occurs, watch how much of that actually ends up occurring. They were given their choices, a woman and a black man vs an out-of-touch old white man. Pick one!. Either way, people are proud to say "we've moved forward in the world.
There is a black man or there is a woman as our presidential candidate." Then, you place this individual against an older gentleman who can't really relate anywhere near as much to the common American citizen. So basically, right there, it is down to Obama & Clinton. So Obama tells his story, "I am taking the troops out of Iraq/Afghanistan, blah blah blah." And what do we hear week after week. "We can't afford to do so, and again, blah blah blah." Now we're how long into his term and it's just like Bush. Plus, the economy's getting worse and unemployment is forced obviously to go up. Now I honestly am not a conspiracy theorist (despite what my track "Conspiracy Theoriez" may tell you. That track was used as a way to get the message out with a catchy title), but I believe this is part of the plan of population control. Take that however you may want to 'percieve it'.

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