Sunday, January 1, 2012

President Obama Signs National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

Curt Greene
Jan. 1, 2012

While most of you were out celebrating the ringing in of 2012, worrying about which bar to meet at, who to be with, who to drive, United States President Barack Obama was busy signing away your Bill of Rights and Constitution. Much like the Federal Reserve Bank's $600 Billion Covert Bailout of Europe on Christmas Day, Obama waited until the majority of the population was busy or distracted to finally go ahead and sign the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which clearly states that he and his administration have the authority to detain or even KILL American citizens without due trial.

The NDAA is a law which basically instates martial law in the United States, as it states the entire world is now considered a battlefield. All in the guise of "national security", your Constitutional rights hae now been stripped away to "protect" you from terrorism.

Initially, Obama had stated that he would veto the bill due to the fact that he felt he already had the authority to detain or kill citizens at his discretion without the bill.

Obama has also said that the NDAA did not pertain to American citizens, although the bill's sponsoring senators, such as John McCain, Carl Levin, and Lindsey Graham have all admitted that it does, and that Americans should be afraid.

In fact, Senator Carl Levin has stated that it was in fact the Obama Administration who insited that that provision be added to the bill in the first place. Obviously an act of clear and simple treason.

“I have signed this bill despite having serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists,” Obama said in a statement accompanying his signature.However, the consemate flip-flopper that he is, Obama could simply have a change of intentions again and decide, at any time, to do so.

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