Thursday, December 8, 2011

U.S. Government To Activate FEMA Camps Across The Country

There is an enormous difference between simply having detention camps built across the entire nation and actually having said camps acivated. Unfortunately, a document from Haliburton subsiduary KBR reveals the plans to begin rolling out the activation of their FEMA camps. The document, entitled "Project Overview and Anticipated Project Requirements" describes the specific services that KBR is looking to have subcontracted. The document was made public by after a state government employee who obviously wishes to remain anonymous.

Services listed within the document range from temporary fencing and barricades, laundry, catering, refuse collection, as well as many other "emergency environment" services.

It is very important to note that KBR's call to activate the FEMA camps comes just days after the Senate's overwhelming passing of the National Defense Authorization Act (or NDAA)

Here is a link to the initial report by Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones of The NDAA permits the military to detain and interrogate supposed domestic "terror suspects" in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment and Posse Comitatus.

In Section 1031 of the NDAA, a declaration is made which states the entire United States is a "battlefield," allowing American citizens to be arrested on U.S. soil and incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay.

There have been many civil liberty groups speaking out in opposition to the bill, most notabl, perhaps, the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), the country's oldest and largest Asian-American civil and human rights organization.

S. Floyd Mori, the national director of JACL, said in a letter addressed to congress, that the NDAA is scaling back for the first time on the protections laid out and provided by the Non-Detention Act of 1971. Mori added that the legislation, if in fact enacted and put into use, would be reminiscent of the clearly unconstitutional indefinite detention of Japanese Americans during World War II.

Obviously, the passing of the National Defense Authorization Act brings about feeling of fear in the minds and hearts of all well-informed citizens. When coupled with the Libyan and Syrian issues at the boiling point, the economy on a continuous downward spiral, the Occupy Movement still in high gear, a presidential approval rating at only 9% (The lowest in history), and the fact that the Russians and Chinese have said that they will step in to deter the starting of a war with Iran, this could be the final straw, so to speak.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
― Benjamin Franklin

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