Thursday, December 29, 2011

An American History of False Flags

Curt Greene
Dec. 29, 2011

I was intending to use the following information as part of a radio show I was going to record for X-Force Radio, but I honestly don't have the time to work on such a project these days, so I figured I would share some of this information with you all right now:

Definition of a False Flag Attack: A covert operation designed to appear as though it was carried out by another nation of group, when in fact it was orchestrated at home.

In the official 9/11 Commission Report, it states that 7 World Trade Centre or, simply, Tower 7, which most people are unaware of, collapsed due to fire. Tower 7 was not hit by a plane like first two towers, and collapsed just as quickly, and far more suspiciously.

Tower 7 was a 47-story office building. Tenants of the tower included the Department of Defense, the Secret Service, and the CIA. With the amount of security in and around that building, there is no way that Al Qaeda would have been able to get inside.

William Rodríguez was a janitor at the North Tower of the World Trade Center during the September 11, 2001 attacks and was in the basement of the North Tower when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the building. After the attacks he received several awards for heroism for helping in the evacuation of many survivors. The Birmingham Mail said about Rodriguez: "He bravely led firefighters up the stairs, unlocking doors as they climbed and helping hundreds of survivors"and The Lancashire Telegraph added: "He then went back into the building in a bid to rescue his friends at the top of the tower, on the 106th floor. But he kept finding others who needed his help as well." Rodriguez' October 2004 lawsuit Rodriguez v. Bush alleges that bombs were planted in the sub-basement and the Twin Towers brought down by controlled demolition, He claims to have felt a blast from below him, and states that 14 others corroborate his claim. About 6-8 seconds after the initial boom, Rodriguez says the first plane hit the tower above them. Rodriguez was interviewed by the 9/11 Commission, but behind closed doors, and depsite all of his work, he is not mentioned once within the 9/11 Commissions official report.

If Rodriguez' accusations were indeed truthful, that would indeed help to explain the rate that the building fell to ground, as well as the finding of superthermite in the debris.

Phycisist Dr. Steven E. Jones has analyzed Ground Zero and found in the debris residue from Superthermite. Superthermite is the combination of a metal powder and a metal oxide which produce a reaction known for extremely high temperatures focused in a very small area for a short period of time. Superthermite burns at 2500 degrees Celcius, much, much hotter than jet fuel. Jet fuel burns at about 1100 degrees Celcius and burns up immediately upon impact, which, to the keen observer, completely contradicts the 9/11 Commission's official report which states that jet fuel shot down the elevator shafts and caused the rapid burning of the North Tower. When superthermite is a liquid it is perfectly safe to work with and can be mixed with paint and painted onto any surface. However, when it dries, it becomes a highly volatile explosive. William Rodriguez, the North Tower Janitor has stated that maintenance was carried out on almost a daily basis, including painting. So it is very possible that painters may well have been in the North Tower painting the walls and not even knowing that they were applying the wet Superthermite. This is a theory which would go miles in exlaining the blast in which Rodriguez and at least fourteen others say they felt happen BELOW them, just previous to the plane striking the building.
Another key point to look at, is that, rather than carrying out a thorough investigation as to what occured on the morning of September 11, 2001, the task was instead to, as quickly as humanly possible, remove all of the debris and, subsequently, all of the evidence from the scene of the horrific events. In fact, Rudy Giuliani, then Mayor of New York, was heard only 2 hours following the events as bragging that the workers had already managed to ship an astounding 41 truckloads of steel and debris out of Ground Zero.

It's also very interesting to note that much of the steel was shipped away to China or used to build Navy ships, rather than being thoroughly inspected as evidence. What remains of the towers has been stored at Hangar 17 at JFK International Airport, and is locked up safely from anyone looking to do any investigating.

9/11 marks the first time in HISTORY that an aircraft has crashed and the Black Boxes were not recovered. This is more than a little suspicious in this case. These Black Boxes are made up of Titanium of re-inforced steel and are basically indestructible. Even planes who have crashed at sea have had their Black Boxes recovered. So, of the four, bright orange-coloured Boxes, not even one was recovered by the thousands of workers going through debris? Not even a piece of one? It should also be stated that investigators were able to come across bone fragments the size of fingernail clippings and DNA match them to the victims, but were unable to stumble upon these indestructible Black Boxes which could have potentially have given us such information as the Language spoken by the alleged Hijackers, what they were saying, who they were saying it to, whether or not they were receiving instructions from the ground, and so much more.
In the years prior to the Septmber 11 attacks, there have been reported a grand total of 67 aircrafts which have been intercepted or brought down by the United States Military over America. So why this time were these planes not brought down? For a better answer on that, we should journey back to May of 2001. In May, the law was changed which once allowed Military to make the decision to intercept aircraft in American skies at their discretion. After this law alteration, it now stated that a civilian, whether it be Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, President George W. Bush, or Vice-President Dick Cheney would in fact have the final word on such matters. of course, we know what the outcome of that decision was. The Military was told to stand down and not to intercept these planes. So, basically, they had this all set up all the way back in May that the Military would not have the power or decide to take out these crafts without the say of the united States Government. A very scary thought.

During the mainstream media's reporting on the 9/11 events, there was one extremely mind-shattering fact. Jane Standley, a reporter for BBC who was stationed in New York, reported from a balcony overlooking the horrific scenes and stated that Tower 7 had fallen already. However, to anyone with a set of eyes, the tower was still completely in tact behind her in the camera shot. This, without doubt, proves that the broadcast was a scripted event, and that Ms. Standley was out there reading or regurgetating lines, and subsequently, lies to millions of people.

Many people are not aware of the theory of Problem, Reaction, Solution. So, in a nutshell, here it is. The government of a nation creates or exploits a problem by blaming it on another nation or group. This, obviously, is the creation of a false flag event. Next, the people, being the citizens within said nation then react by begging the very same government for help with the situation, even willing to give up their rights in doing so. Then, the government offers up their solution which was actually planned up long before the crisis even occured. Now, the second part of this paradigm, reaction, where citizens ask of the government a solution to their situation, is where we find another shadowy sidenote in all of this. The September 11 travesty paved the way for the issuing in of the Patriot Act which was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001, and which took away at least half of the rights which were included in the original Bill of Rights.

Now, before I go any further, I know there's probably still going to be some sceptics which will find it somewhat difficult to accept the fact that the united States would purposely inflict such horrifying events upon its own population. Well, in case you are unaware, here are some other instances of False Flag attacks.

The Pearl Harbour Attack:
On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a sneak attack at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii which decimated the US Pacific Fleet and forced the United States to enter into WWII. Well, except for the date, everything I just stated is a lie. In reality, there was no sneak attack. The Pacific Fleet was far from decimated. And, furthermore, the United States took great pains to bring about the assault.

On January 27, 1941, Joseph Grew, the United States ambassador to Japan, wired Washington, DC and stated that he'd learned of a surprise attack Japan was preparing for Pearl Harbour. On September 24, a dispatch from Japanese naval intelligence to Japan's consul general in Honolulu, Hawaii, was deciphered. The transmission was a request for a grid of exact locations of ships stationed in Pearl Harbour. Washington, however, chose not to share this information with the officers at Pearl Harbour. Then, on November 26, the main body of the Japanese strike force (consisting of six aircraft carriers, two battleships, three cruisers, nine destroyers, eight tankers, 23 fleet submarines, and five midget submarines) departed Japan en route for Hawaii.

Despite the myth that the strike force maintained strict radio silence, US Naval intelligence intercepted and translated many dispatches. And, there was no shortage of dispatches: In fact, Tokyo sent upwards of 1000 transmissions to the attack fleet before it reached Hawaii. Some of these dispatches, in particular a message from Admiral Yamamoto, left absolutely no doubt that Pearl Harbour was the target of a Japanese attack: "The task force, keeping its movement strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet and deal it a mortal blow. The first air raid is planned for the dawn of x-day. Exact date to be given by later order."
Even on the night before the Pearl Harbour attack, US intelligence decoded a message stating that Sunday morning was the deadline for some kind of Japanese action. The message was delivered to the Washington high command more than four hours before the attack on Pearl Harbour. However, as many messages previously, it was withheld from the Pearl Harbour commanders. Although many ships were damaged at Pearl Harbour, they were all old and slow. The main targets of the Japanese attack fleet were the Pacific Fleet's aircraft carriers, but Roosevelt made sure these were safe from this attack: in November, at about the same time as the Japanese attack fleet left Japan, Roosevelt sent the Lexington and Enterprise out to sea. Meanwhile, the Saratoga was in San Diego.

So, this begs the question? Why did Pearl Harbour happen? Well, President Roosevelt wanted a piece of the war money. Having failed to bait Hitler by giving $50.1 billion in war supplies to Britain, the Soviet Union, France and China as part of the Lend Lease program, FDR switched his focus entirely towards the Japanese. Because Japan had signed a mutual defence pact with Germany and Italy, Roosevelt knew that war with Japan was a legitimate back door to joining the war in Europe. On October 7, 1940, one of Roosevelt's military advisors, Lieutenant Commander Arthur McCollum, wrote a memo which detailed an 8-step plan that would provoke Japan into attacking the United States. Over the next year, Roosevelt implemented all eight of the recommended actions. In the summer of 1941, the US joined England in an oil embargo against Japan. Japan needed oil for its war with China, and had no remaining option but to invade the East Indies and Southeast Asia to get new resources. And that required getting rid of the US Pacific Fleet first.

Although Roosevelt may have got more than he bargained for, he clearly let the attack on Pearl Harbour occur while withholding crucial information, which aided Japan in making sure their attack was a surprise. He did this by withholding information from Pearl Harbour's commanders and even by ensuring the attack force wasn't accidentally discovered by commercial shipping traffic. As Rear Admiral Richmond K. Turner stated in 1941: "We were prepared to divert traffic when we believed war was imminent. We sent the traffic down via the Torres Strait, so that the track of the Japanese task force would be clear of any traffic."

Operation Northwoods:
In 1962, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously proposed state-sponsored acts of terrorism on American soil, against American citizens. The head of every branch of the United States armed forces gave written approval to sink US ships, shoot down hijacked American planes, and even gun down and bomb civilians on the streets of Washington, D.C., and Miami. The idea was to blame the self-inflicted terrorism on Cuba's leader, Fidel Castro, so the American public would beg and scream for the Marines to attack Havana.

The public learned about Operation Northwoods 35 years later, when the Top Secret document was declassified by the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board. Among other things, Operation Northwoods proposed the following :

- Faking the crash of an American passenger plane. The disaster was to be accomplished by faking a commercial flight from the US to Jamaica, and having the plane boarded at a public airport by CIA agents disguised as college students going on vacation. An empty remote-controlled plane would follow the commercial flight as it left Florida. The commercial flight's pilots would radio for help, mention that they had been attacked by a Cuban fighter, then land in secret at Eglin AFB. The empty remote-controlled plane would then be blown out of the sky and the public would be told all the poor college students aboard were killed.

- Using a possible NASA disaster (astronaut John Glenn's death) as a pretext to launch the war. The plan called for "manufacturing various pieces of evidence which would prove electronic interference on the part of the Cubans" if something went wrong with NASA's third manned space launch.

- Blowing up buildings in Washington and Miami. Cuban agents (undercover CIA agents) would be arrested, and they would confess to the bombings. In addition, false documents proving Castro's involvement in the attacks would be "found" and given to the press.

- Attacking an American military base in Guantanamo with CIA recruits posing as Cuban mercenaries. This involved blowing up the ammunition depot and would obviously result in material damages and many dead American troops. As a last resort, the plan even mentioned bribing one of Castro's commanders to initiate the Guantanamo attack. That deserves repeating: the Pentagon considered using our tax dollars to bribe another country's military to attack our own troops in order to instigate a full-scale war.

Operation Northwoods was only one of several plans under the umbrella of Operation Mongoose. Shortly after the Joint Chiefs signed and presented the plan in March, 1962, President John F Kennedy, still stinging from the Bay of Pigs fiasco, declared that he would never authorize a military invasion of Cuba. In September, Kennedy denied the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Lyman Lemnitzer, a second term as the nation's highest ranking military officer. And by the winter of 1963, Kennedy was dead... killed, apparently, by a Cuban sympathiser in the streets of an American city. Of course, getting into the JFK assassination is a whole other mystery unto itself. You can hear more from the amazing President John F Kennedy by listening to his speech over a track I produced on my E.P. entitled Martial Law. But again, I am digressing here.

Gulf Of Tonkin Incident:
On August 2, 1964, three North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked a US destroyer, the USS Maddox. The boats reportedly fired torpedoes at the US ship in international waters in the Gulf of Tonkin, about thirty miles off the Vietnam coast. On August 4, the US Navy reported another unprovoked attack on the USS Maddox and the USS Turner Joy.

Within mere hours, President Lyndon Johnson ordered a retaliation. As the bases for North Vietnamese torpedo boats were bombed, Johnson went on Televsion and told Americans the following: "Repeated acts of violence against the armed forces of the United States must be met not only with alert defense, but with a positive reply. That reply is being given as I speak tonight." The next day, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara assured Capital Hill that the Maddox had only been "carrying out a routine mission of the type we carry out all over the world at all times." McNamara said the two boats were in no way involved with recent South Vietnamese boat raids against North Vietnamese targets.

At President Johnson's request, Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. This resolution would pre-approve any military actions the President would choose to take. It gave Johnson a free ticket to wage war in Vietnam as large as the President wanted. Johnson got a big war: by 1969, over half a million US troops were fighting in Indochina. Despite McNamara's testimony to the contrary, the USS Maddox had been providing intelligence support to South Vietnamese boats carrying out raids against the North Vietnamese. McNamara had also testified that there was "unequivocable proof" of an "unprovoked" second attack against the USS Maddox. In fact, the second attack never even occurred at all.

At the time of the second incident, the two US destroyers misinterpreted radar and radio signals as attacks by the North Vietnamese navy. It's now known that no North Vietnamese boats were in the area. So, for two hours, the two US destroyers blasted away at nonexistent radar targets and vigorously maneuvered to avoid phantom North Vietnamese ships. Even though the second so-called-attack only involved two US ships defending themselves against a nonexistent enemy, the President and Secretary of Defense used it to coerce Congress and the American people to start a war they neither wanted nor needed.
After the Vietnam War turned into a quagmire, Congress decided to put limits on the President's authority to unilaterally wage war. Thus, on November 7, 1973, Congress overturned President Nixon's veto and passed the War Powers Resolution. The resolution requires the President to consult with Congress before making any decisions that engage the US military in hostilities. It is still in effect to this day.

Or, I should say, on paper, it is still in effect to this day. However, Current president, Barrack Hussein Obama has been quoted as saying that he does NOT require the approval of congress to engage into any war. This became all to evident just recently with the attacks by NATO forces inside of Libya. Clearly, and obvious shattering of the War Powers Resolution. but Obama's recklessness doesn't even end there, because, as it's now known, as NATO forces left Libya after killing leader Mumoar gaddafi, the country was then simply handed over to Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda?? The very same Al Qaeda who supposedly hijacked and flew planes into the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001? I'm afraid so, folks.

So, I'm fairly certain that I've laid out the use of False Flag attacks as utilized by the United States Government over the years. I could have gotten into others such as The First World Trade Centre attack of 1993, the Oklahoma City Bombing of 1995, or even resemblances to Hitler's burning of the Reichstag in 1933. But I believe I have done this justice. That being said, with the looming fear of a third World War as United States and Israeli troops occupy space around Iran while Russia & China claim they will back the Iranians, I wish you all peace, love, and, possibly most important of all, understanding of the fact that questioning what your government tells you may be the smartest thing a human being can ever do. And Canadian citizens, don't kid yourselves, because you know Harper & Obama are merely political puppets and, where the US goes, we will closely follow behind, as is evident by the signing of the Border Action Plan Report just a few short weeks ago.

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