Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Syria Strife Keeps Canadian Navy In Mediterranean

All of these ridiculous, so-called "Anti-Terrorism" wars are getting way, way out of hand. First of all, there's absolutely NO reason for the United States to be acting as the policemen of the world as it is, and dragging the Canadian forces with them all over the globe is over-the-top as well. As a country, Canada needs to start removing our troops from these missions. it's bad enough that the US is sticking their noses in the business of every nation on Earth, we don't need to have our reputation, and far more importantly, our men and women drug through the dangers over issues that do not effect us in any way, shape, or form. Whether it be the want to keep peace with the Americans and not risk losing something within the North American relationship, or whether it be strictly a political strategy, we are losing our loved ones over and over again for reasons that the majority of the population, as well as many of the troops, are not even aware of. That's my say. I could go on, but no one seems to listen anyways.

Below is the link that got me going on this one:

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